Account verification results
The account verification results are returned by Identity Hub when your
process configuration includes a bank . The bank account verification returns:
- accountStatus - the bank account match score, this is Match, No Match, or Unable to check.
- bacscode
- the Bacs code and description. This could be B - Account closed, 2 - Account holder deceased, or 5 - Account does not exist. If the
account is open, a Bacs code is not returned
- NameScore - score for the personal details, where 9 is the best match, 7 to
8 is a highly probable match, 4 to 6 is a probable match, 2 to 3 is a possible match and 1 is no match. Typically, you should reject details
with a score of 1, 2 or 3
- AddressScore - score for the address, where 9 is the best match, 7 to 8 is a highly
probable match, 4 to 6 is a probable match, 2 to 3 is a possible match and 1 is no match. Typically, you should reject details with a score
of 1, 2 or 3
- accountOpenDateScore - score for the account setup dates, where 9 is the best match, 7
to 8 is a highly probable match, 4 to 6 is a probable match, 2 to 3 is a possible match and 1 is no match. Typically, you should reject
details with a score of 1, 2 or 3
- OwnerTypeMatch - account owner match, this is Match or No Match.
When verification results are returned
The exact information returned by bank account verification is determined by the account status, whether any Bacs return codes are set and the name score.
1 - Did verification fail?
accountStatus shows whether the verification was successful.
Verification succeeded if accountStatus is:
Verification failed if accountStatus is one of:
- No Match
- Unable to check.
If verification failed, only accountStatus is returned. No other data is returned.
2 - Is a Bacs return code set?
If there is a Bacs return code set against the account, bacsCode is included in the
verify results.
<eih:BacsCode code="B">Account closed</eih:BacsCode>
If a Bacs return code is set, the account
cannot be used. Therefore the name, address and accountOpenDate scores are not returned.
3 - Is the nameScore <= 1?
If the name score is <=1, there is no
match on the entered personal details. Therefore the address and accountOpenDate scores are not returned.