Account verification results

The account verification results are returned by Identity Hub when your process configuration includes a bank account verification. The bank account verification returns:

When verification results are returned

The exact information returned by bank account verification is determined by the account status, whether any Bacs return codes are set and the name score.

1 - Did verification fail?

accountStatus shows whether the verification was successful.

Verification succeeded if accountStatus is:

Verification failed if accountStatus is one of:

If verification failed, only accountStatus is returned. No other data is returned.

2 - Is a Bacs return code set?

If there is a Bacs return code set against the account, bacsCode is included in the verify results.

<eih:BacsCode code="B">Account closed</eih:BacsCode>

If a Bacs return code is set, the account cannot be used. Therefore the name, address and accountOpenDate scores are not returned.

3 - Is the nameScore <= 1?

If the name score is <=1, there is no match on the entered personal details. Therefore the address and accountOpenDate scores are not returned.