BranchSearch service

You use the BranchSearch service to search the country data. Depending on the country, this is either an indexed or a non-indexed search. For indexed countries, you can perform an enhanced search by searching specific categories.

Call GetInputWithSearch to retrieve the categories for a country. If categories exist, the country supports indexed searches.

To search the details, you must supply:

For non-indexed searches, you include up to 3 terms separated by spaces. You can also use wildcards at the end of the term; * to match multiple characters and ? to match single characters. For the standard search, these expressions have a logical AND, that is the record must include all terms to be a match. For example, to search for Paris and Vichy, enter: Paris Vichy

For indexed searches, you include any number of terms and can use wildcards at the end of the string; * to match multiple characters and ? to match single characters. The terms have a logical OR, that is the record only needs to include one term to be a match. Records that match more terms are prioritised. You should include the category before the term, separated with a colon (:). For example, to search for London or Westminster in the Branch fields, enter Branch:London Branch:Westminster. If you do not include the category, this searches all of the data.

This service returns:

This element also includes the data access key as the Token attribute. You pass this to Bank Wizard to retrieve any of the Bank Wizard data

Example SOAP messages



<ban:BranchSearchRequest page="1" pageSize="10" reportString="TEST_001" itemisationID="001" country="GB">SearchParam1</ban:BranchSearchRequest>




<BranchSearchResponse Token="D6P4..." NewToken="true" Size="4" xmlns="">

<BranchData subBranchNumber="0" Token="5C4..." xmlns="">

<institutionName xmlns="">008 Bank Name - Search test record 1 SearchParam2</institutionName>

<branchName xmlns="">008 SearchParam3</branchName>

<address xmlns="">

<addressLine line="1">008 Address1</addressLine>


<addressLine line="5">008 Country</addressLine>

<postOrZipCode>CV21 1DZ</addressLine>


<telephoneNumber xmlns="">0108 080808</telephoneNumber>



