GetInputWithSearch service

You use this to retrieve search and validation information for a specified country. This returns the available checking levels, the inputs required for the checking levels and any defined search categories. If indexed search is not supported for this country, no categories are returned.

To retrieve the validation inputs and search categories, you must supply the 2 character country code.

This service returns:

For each BBAN it shows: index number, maximum size, local name.

Example SOAP messages







<GetInputWithSearchResponse xmlns="">

<countryInputMetaData xmlns="">


<validationCheck checkingLevel="Branch" description="Sort code" xmlns="">

<BBAN index="1" maxsize="8">Sort code</BBAN>


<validationCheck checkingLevel="Account" description="Account" xmlns="">

<BBAN index="1" maxsize="8">Sort code</BBAN>

<BBAN index="2" maxsize="12">Account</BBAN>


<validationCheck checkingLevel="BIC" description="Account & BIC" xmlns="">

<BBAN index="1" maxsize="8">Sort code</BBAN>

<BBAN index="2" maxsize="12">Account</BBAN>

<BBAN index="5" maxsize="11">BIC</BBAN>


<validationCheck checkingLevel="Domestic" description="Roll number" xmlns="">

<BBAN index="1" maxsize="8">Sort code</BBAN>

<BBAN index="2" maxsize="12">Account</BBAN>

<BBAN index="3" maxsize="18">Roll number</BBAN>










