The validation results are returned by the Card Validation service when you call any of the card services. The results are returned as codes. Your application should translate these codes to messages that are suitable for your business needs and users.
1 |
CVV not valid |
Error |
This error is returned if the CVV contains invalid characters (for example, a to z, A to Z) or is not in the correct format for the entered card details. For most cards the CVV should be 3 digits, however some card types have 4 digit CVVs. You should reject these details. |
2 |
Valid From date failed validation |
Error |
This error is returned if the date is not a valid date or if it is not in the correct format. For the Valid From date to be valid it must be before the current date and supplied as a month (MM) and a year (YYYY). This is only returned if you must supply a Valid From date for the card type. You should reject these details. |
3 |
Issue number was not in the correct format |
Error |
This error is returned if the issue number is not in the correct format or contains invalid characters (a to z, A to Z). It should be 1, 2 or 3 digits. This is only returned if you must supply an issue number for the card type. If you need the issue number, you should reject these details. |
4 |
Card number failed validation |
Error |
This error is returned if the card number is not in the correct format or contains invalid characters (a to z, A to Z). It must be between 8 and 19 digits, though for most cards it is 16 digits. You should reject these details. |
Reason |
1 |
Card number failed the modulus check This error is returned if the card number is in the correct format but failed the modulus check, and therefore is not valid. You should reject these details. |
5 |
BIN or Issuer is not valid |
Error |
This error is returned if the Card Validation service cannot confirm that these details are valid. |
Reason |
2 |
BIN does not exist This error is returned if Bank Wizard has no record of the BIN for the entered card details. You should reject these details. |
Reason |
3 |
Card type is not supported This error is returned if the BIN exists but it is for a card type that is not supported by Bank Wizard. Your business rules determine whether you accept or reject these details. |
6 |
Expiry Date failed validation |
Error |
This error is returned if the expiry date is not a valid date or if it is not in the correct format. The expiry date must be after the current date and supplied as a month (MM) and a year (YYYY). You should reject these details. |
999 |
Internal service error |
Error |
This error is returned if any of the services was not available or returned a serious error. If the call is performing multiple checks, you still get the results from the other services called. If this problem persists, contact Experian support. |