Debit card matching results

When you call the MatchDebitCardDetails service, as well as the card validation results, the matching results are returned. The results are returned as codes. Your application should translate these codes to messages that are suitable for your business needs and users.

Code: BankGroupMatch

The card issuer and sort code matched at bank group level.

The card issuer did not match the bank associated with the supplied sort code. However the card issuer did match the bank group associated with the sort code. For example, the card details for a Halifax account will match at Bank Group level with a sort code for an HBOS account, because Halifax is part of the HBOS group.

Your business rules determine whether you accept or reject these details.

Code: BankMatch

The card issuer and sort code matched at bank level.

The card issuer matched the bank associated with the supplied sort code. This is the best match.

Code: NoMatch

The card issuer and sort code do not match at any level.

The card issuer did not match the bank associated with the supplied sort code at either bank or bank group level.

You should reject these details.

Code: UnableToMatch

The card issuer and sort code could not be matched.

This could be because the card details failed validation or because the sort code or card BIN are not available. You should check the validation results to make sure the card details are valid.

Your business rules determine whether this is treated as an error and the details rejected.