BWValidate service

You use the BWValidate service to check that the supplied BBAN is in the correct format and that the account could exist.

To validate the details, you must supply:

This service returns:

SOAP messages



<ns:BWValidateRequest ISOCountry="GB checkingLevel="Account" language="en" reportString="1123" itemisationID="1122">





<!--1 to 5 repetitions:-->

<ban:BBAN index="1">070116</ban:BBAN>

<ban:BBAN index="2">00003036</ban:BBAN>










<bws:BBAN index="1">070116</bws:BBAN>

<bws:BBAN index="2">00003036</bws:BBAN>


<bws:dataAccessKey>Data Access Key</bws:dataAccessKey>

