BWGetCountryInput service

You use this service to retrieve the types of bank account checks you can perform for a specified country. It also returns the information you need to supply to perform that check.

To retrieve the country inputs, you must supply the 2 character country code.

This service returns for each available checking level:

SOAP messages








<ns:BWGetCountryInput language="en">GB</ns:BWGetCountryInput>










<validationCheck checkingLevel="Branch" description="Sort code">

<BBAN index="1" maxSize="8">Sort code</BBAN>


<validationCheck checkingLevel="Account" description="Account">

<BBAN index="1" maxSize="8">Sort code</BBAN>

<BBAN index="2" maxSize="12">Account</BBAN>


<validationCheck checkingLevel="BIC" description="Account &amp; BIC">

<BBAN index="1" maxSize="8">Sort code</BBAN>

<BBAN index="2" maxSize="12">Account</BBAN>

<BBAN index="5" maxSize="11">BIC</BBAN>


<validationCheck checkingLevel="Domestic" description="Roll number">

<BBAN index="1" maxSize="8">Sort code</BBAN>

<BBAN index="2" maxSize="12">Account</BBAN>

<BBAN index="3" maxSize="18">Roll number</BBAN>


