GetCountryInput service

If you need the search categories as well as the validation inputs, use GetInputWithSearch instead of this service.

You use this to retrieve the types of checks you can perform for a specified country. It also returns the information you need to supply to perform that check.

To retrieve the country inputs, you must supply the 2 character country code.

For each available checking level, this service returns:

Example SOAP messages



<ban:GetCountryInputRequest language="en">GB</ban:GetCountryInputRequest>




<GetCountryInputResponse xmlns="">

<validationCheck checkingLevel="Branch" description="Sort code" xmlns="">

<BBAN index="1" maxsize="8">Sort code</BBAN>


<validationCheck checkingLevel="Account" description="Account" xmlns="">

<BBAN index="1" maxsize="8">Sort code</BBAN>

<BBAN index="2" maxsize="12">Account</BBAN>


<validationCheck checkingLevel="BIC" description="Account & BIC" xmlns="">

<BBAN index="1" maxsize="8">Sort code</BBAN>

<BBAN index="2" maxsize="12">Account</BBAN>

<BBAN index="5" maxsize="11">BIC</BBAN>


<validationCheck checkingLevel="Domestic" description="Roll number" xmlns="">

<BBAN index="1" maxsize="8">Sort code</BBAN>

<BBAN index="2" maxsize="12">Account</BBAN>

<BBAN index="3" maxsize="18">Roll number</BBAN>


