Sending requests to Identity Hub

Content type settings

To send requests to Identity Hub, the character set must be set to UTF-8. You set this in the XML header, using the content-type element:


This should be included in the header for every request sent to Identity Hub.

Example SOAP header


Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8

SOAPAction: ""

Content-Length: 5249


Connection: Keep-Alive

User-Agent: An-HttpClient/1.1.1

Security settings

To access Identity Hub you must generate a WASP security token and then add the token to the SOAP header of the request contained within a BinarySecurityToken element. This header must follow the WS-Security protocol and be made up of three major elements: BinarySecurityToken, Signature and ReferenceList. For Identity Hub, you use BinarySecurityToken.

A BinarySecurityToken can contain any class of binary credential including proprietary tokens. The tokens must be base 64 binary encoded to conform to standard xml formats. ValueType specifies what type of token is being used. The ID is an optional string label for the security token.

You need to set the EncodingType to Base64 binary encoding and the ValueType to ExperianWASP.

Example BinarySecurityToken

<wsse:BinarySecurityToken ValueType="ExperianWASP" EncodingType="wsse:Base64Binary" wsu:Id="SecurityToken">



WS-Security SOAP Header structure



<!-- Security Token -->




<!-- XML Signature -->




<!-- XML Encryption Reference List -->






SOAP request message



<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-2b27a32b-ca9c-4405-b377-4444f63c8f29">




<wsse:BinarySecurityToken ValueType="ExperianWASP" EncodingType="wsse:Base64Binary" wsu:Id="SecurityToken-f64439f9-c12c-4d09-ac3d-fc478ad19775">MjAtRTctQ0YtMTUtN0EtODEtNTk.</wsse:BinarySecurityToken>




<!-- SOAP content for the Identity Hub service call -- >


This step: Connecting to Identity Hub