GetFasterPaymentsData service

You use this service, after verifying or validating account details, to retrieve the Faster Payments data. If the request is for a main branch, you can also retrieve the details for any sub-branches.

You can only retrieve Faster Payments data for United Kingdom bank accounts.

To get Faster Payments data, you must supply the data access key returned by Validate, ValidateIBAN or Verify.

To return sub-branch data, set returnSubBranches to true. If you do not supply this, the default (False) is used and no sub-branch data is returned.

This service returns:

Example SOAP messages



<ban:GetFasterPaymentsDataRequest language="en" returnSubBranches="true">






<GetFasterPaymentsDataResponse subBranchesAvailable="true" xmlns="">

<fasterPaymentsData subBranchNumber="0" xmlns="">










<fasterPaymentsData subBranchNumber="1" xmlns="">






