You use this service, after verifying or validating account details, to retrieve the branch address details. If the request is for a main branch, you can also retrieve the address details for any sub-branches.
To get the branch data, you must supply the data access key returned by Validate, ValidateIBAN or Verify.
If you want to return sub-branch data, set returnSubBranches to true. If you do not supply this, the default (False) is used and no sub-branch data is returned.
This service returns:
<soapenv:Body> <ban:GetBranchDataRequest language="en" returnSubBranches="true"> <ns:dataAccessKey>...</ns:dataAccessKey> </ban:GetBranchDataRequest> </soapenv:Body> |
<soap:Body> <GetBranchDataResponse subBranchesAvailable="true" xmlns=""> <branchData subBranchNumber="0" xmlns=""> <institutionName>LLOYDS TSB BANK PLC</institutionName> <branchName>PAVEMENT YORK (309999)</branchName> <address> <addressLine line="1">Birmingham OSC 4</addressLine> <addressLine line="2">Ariel House</addressLine> <addressLine line="3">2138 Coventry Road</addressLine> <addressLine line="4">BIRMINGHAM</addressLine> <addressLine line="5">West Midlands</addressLine> <postorzipcode>B26 3JW4</postorzipcode> </address> <telephoneNumber>0845 300 0000</telephoneNumber> </branchData> </GetBranchDataResponse> </soap:Body> |