Looking up IBANs

Flow showing how to look up IBANs

Get country code

Get the 2 character country code for the country for which you are performing the IBAN lookup.

Call GetLookupIbanInput

If you do not know the BBAN fields required for the country, call GetLookupIbanInput, supplying the 2 character country code. This returns the input fields required with a maximum size for each field.

The maximum size returned may be larger than the maximum size specified for electronic transactions. This is because the sizes returned by Bank Wizard allow for separators and other characters that are removed for electronic transactions.

Get account details from user

The exact details the user must supply is determined by the country for which the lookup is being performed.

Call LookupIban

To perform an IBAN lookup, you need to supply the country code and all of the BBAN fields.

Get the response

To find out the result of the lookup, you must retrieve the lookup response. The response includes the overall result, and, if the lookup was successful, the IBAN and BIC.

Are there any client errors?

Client errors are returned if you have not supplied the correct data or the data is not in the correct format. If you receive any of these errors, you should re-prompt the user for the incorrectly formatted or missing information and then call LookupIban again.

Are there any errors?

There are errors with the look up if the overall result is not Match.