Get card details from userThe Primary Account Number and the Expiry Date are required for all card types. You can also supply the CVV. The other details you must get are determined by the type of card or scheme; for example, the Issue Number is needed for Switch cards but not for credit cards. You should supply all dates as month (##) and year (####). Get personal and address detailsIf you want to match a card and card holder, as well as the basic card details, you must get:
Perform card holder matchingTo match the card and the card holder, call MatchCardHolder, supplying the standard card details with the name and address of the card holder. This also validates the card details. |
If you are verifying the card and personal details, as well as the basic card details, you must get:
To verify the card and perform AVS and CVV checks, call VerifyAvsCvv, supplying the standard card details, name on the card and the address.
This also validates the card details.
You can only match debit cards to sort codes. |
To match a debit card with an account, you must get the sort code as well as the standard card details. The sort code must be 6 numeric characters. The service removes all separators.
The Card Validation service does not validate the sort code. To validate the sort code, call the standard Bank Wizard Validate service. |
To match the debit card with the supplied sort code, call MatchDebitCardDetails supplying the card details and the sort code.
To only validate the card details, call ValidateCardDetails, supplying the standard card details.
The card details are automatically validated as part of verification, card holder matching and debit card matching. Therefore you do not need to perform this check if you are performing any of the other checks.