Before you start

Skills required

To be able to implement Bank Wizard, you must:

Accessing the services

To implement Bank Wizard you must have a connection to the Bank Wizard service. Experian provides two hosted Bank Wizard services:

At times this service is used by Experian to test new and upcoming Bank Wizard releases. Therefore, this service may not be available at all times and the behaviour, functionality, and Bank Wizard version could differ from the Live service.

To be able to develop and test your application using the UAT service you must have:

To make sure you have connectivity, telnet to the server using port 443.

Once you have developed and fully tested your application and you are ready to go live, you need to change from the UAT service to the Live service.

To change from UAT to live, you must:

To make sure you have connectivity, telnet to the server using port 443.

Getting started

  1. Make sure you have access to the Experian WASP certificate (UAT or live).
  2. To do this either install the certificate to your local user certificate store or make the certificate file available to your project.

  3. Create a new project, including references to your project's assembly.
  4. If used, add the source files provided to the release package of your project.
  5. Write the code to perform WASP authentication.
  6. This must reference the correct certificate and the service URLs for either UAT or the live service. Experian will send you these URLs.

  7. Write the code to perform the account or card check required.
  8. This code must reference the correct service URL (UAT or Live) and use the WASP token retrieved in step 4. Experian will send you the URLs to access the Bank Wizard Hosted service.

    The software package includes example classes that you can use to help you develop your application. The files are:

Dealing with client error messages

All client error messages (exceptions) generated by Bank Wizard include a unique ID (requestID). Your application should trap these errors and extract the unique ID. You should then store this ID and display it to your users with an appropriate error message.

If you need to contact Experian support, you should quote the unique ID so that Experian can find the related information and messages in the support logs.

Next step: Implementation steps

For more information about WASP, see the Experian WASP documentation