Programming languages and wrappers

This section includes the implementation information that is specific to programming languages. For some languages you use wrappers so that you can make calls to Bank Wizard in a more natural way for the programming language.

Bank Wizard also includes some example programs to demonstrate how you implement and use the Bank Wizard API. Use these examples as the basis for your implementation. BWIBEXAM is a compiled copy of the C example program.

To run BWIBEXAM, set up the BWTABLES environment variable and, for UNIX, the search path for the libraries.
For the available command line syntax, run the program with no parameters.

z/OS example programs

The z/OS example programs include:

The COBOL batch example uses a set of wrappers supplied in the bwilwrs3 source file. These wrappers are platform specific and mean the same example code can be supplied for various platforms. For example, the z/OS wrappers convert the PIC 9(9)/PIC 9 (10) types used by the main bwilexam file into the z/OS specific PIC 9(9) BINARY type. You do not need to use the wrappers if your code does not need to be portable. You can use PIC 9(9) BINARY and directly call the API function.