Bank Wizard includes BWINTCOM.dll to provide a COM callable wrapper. You use this to call Bank Wizard from ASP web pages running under Microsoft IIS and Visual Basic.
Before you can use BWINTCOM.dll you must register it.
Method/Property |
Usage |
API Equivalent |
Property | status | s=bwi.status(BWI_S_item) | BWIStatus |
Property | runtime | bwi.runtime(BWI_R_item)=value | BWISetRuntime |
Property | runtime | value=bwi.runtime(BWI_R_item) | BWIGetRuntime |
Method | tFree | bwi.tFree seconds | BWITFree |
Method | end | bwi.end full | BWIEnd |
Method | init | bwi.init handle | BWIInit |
Method/Property |
Usage |
API Equivalent |
Method | cache | h.cache | BWICache |
Method | free | | BWIFree |
Property | next | | BWINext |
Property | validHandle | valid=h.validHandle | BWIValidHandle |
Property | search |
Where Start = 1 to search from the beginning 0 to continue from the last item found. |
BWISearch |
Property | intvalue | value=h.intvalue(BWI_V_item) | BWIGetValue |
Property | intvalue | h.intvalue(BWI_V_item)=value | BWISetValue |
Property | strvalue | s=h.strvalue(BWI_V_item) | BWIGetString |
Property | strvalue | h.strvalue(BWI_V_item)=s | BWISetString |
Property | isCondSet | h.isCondSet(type,cond) | BWIIsCondSet |
Method | hook | h.hook | BWIHook |
Method | check | h.check | BWICheck |
Method | copyHandle | h.copyHandle fromHandle | BWICopyHandle |
Some languages, such as EasyScript and PHP, cannot use the set property functions because these functions need an 'item' argument. To work around this limitation, the COM DLL includes the following methods:
Method |
Usage |
API Equivalent |
BWIHandle.setString(item,string) | Use instead of h.strvalue(item) = string | BWISetString |
BWIHandle.setValue(item,value) | Use instead of h.intvalue(item) = value | BWISetValue |
BankWizardInt.setRuntime(item,value) | Use instead of bwi.runtime(item) = value | BWISetRuntime |