For each country that supports IBANs, these table show the IBAN format.
The IBAN is a 28 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | AL (for Albania), GT (for Guatemala) or PL (for Poland) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-12 | Bank-branch code |
13-28 | Account number |
For example: AL47 2121 1009 0000 0002 3569 8741
GT82 TRAJ 0102 0000 0012 1002 9690
PL61 1090 1014 0000 0712 1981 2874
The IBAN is a 24 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always AD |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank code |
9-12 | Branch code |
13-24 | Account number |
For example: AD12 0001 2030 2003 5910 0100
For Austria and Lithuania, the IBAN is a 20 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | AT (for Austria) or LT (for Lithuania) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-9 | Bank-branch code |
10-20 | Account number |
For example: AT61 1904 3002 3457 3201
LT12 1000 0111 0100 1000
The IBAN is a 28 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | AZ (for Azerbaijan), DO (for Domincian Republic) or LB (for Lebanon) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank-branch code |
9-28 | Account number |
For example: AZ21 NABZ 0000 0000 1370 1000 1944
DO28 BAGR 0000 0001 2124 5361 1324
LB62 0999 0000 0001 0019 0122 9114
For Bahrain, the IBAN is a 22 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always BH |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank code |
9-22 | Account number |
For example: BH67 BMAG 0000 1299 1234 56
For Belgium, the IBAN is a 16 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always BE |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank-branch code |
8-14 | Account number |
15-16 | Check digits |
For example: BE62 5100 0754 7061
For Bosnia and Herzegovina, the IBAN is a 20 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always BA |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank code |
8-10 | Branch code |
11-18 | Account number |
19-20 | Check digits |
For example: BA39 1290 0794 0102 8494
For Brazil, the IBAN is a 29 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always BR |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-12 | Bank code |
13-18 | Branch code |
19-27 | Account number |
28 | Account type |
29 | Owner account type |
For example: BR97 0036 0305 0000 1000 9795 493P 1
For British Virgin Islands and Pakistan, the IBAN is a 24 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | VG (for British Virgin Islands), PK (for Pakistan) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank-branch code |
9-24 | Account number |
For example: VG96 VPVG 0000 0123 4567 8901
PK36 SCBL 0000 0011 2345 6702
For Bulgaria, the IBAN is a 22 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always BG |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank identifier |
9-12 | Branch number |
13-14 | Account type |
15-22 | Account number |
For example: BG62 UBBS 8002 1079 3545 17
For Costa Rica, the IBAN is a 21 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always CR |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank-branch code |
8-21 | Account number |
For example: CR05 1520 2001 0262 8406 6
For Croatia, the IBAN is a 21 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always HR |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-11 | Bank code |
12-21 | Account number |
For example: HR12 1001 0051 8630 0016 0
For Cyprus, the IBAN is a 28 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always CY |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank code |
8-12 | Branch code |
13-28 | Account number |
For example: CY17 0020 0128 0000 0012 0052 7600
For the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the IBAN is a 24 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | CZ (Czech republic) or SK (Slovakia) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank code |
9-14 | Account number prefix |
15-24 | Basic account number |
For example: CZ65 0800 0000 1920 0014 5399
SK31 1200 0000 1987 4263 7541
The IBAN is an 18 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | DK for Denmarki, FO for Faroe Islands and GL for Greenland |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank-branch code |
9-17 | Account number |
18 | Check digits |
For example: DK50 0040 0440 1162 43
FO71 4100 1111 2345 67
GL70 5100 0001 2345 67
For Estonia, the IBAN is a 20 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always EE |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-6 | Bank identifier |
7-8 | Bank code |
9-19 | Account number |
20 | Check digits |
For example: EE38 2200 2210 2014 5685
For Finland, the IBAN is an 18 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always BA |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-10 | Bank-branch code |
11-17 | Account number |
18 | Check digit |
For example: FI21 4234 5600 0000 0007 81
The IBAN is a 27 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | FR (For France), MR (for Mauritania) and MC (for Monaco) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-9 | Bank code |
10-14 | Branch code |
15-25 | Account number |
26-27 | Check digits |
For example: FR14 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606
MR13 0002 0001 0100 0012 3456 753
For Georgia, the IBAN is a 22 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always GE |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-6 | Bank-branch code |
7-22 | Account number |
For example: GE29 NB00 0000 0101 9049 17
For Germany, the IBAN is a 22 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always DE |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-12 | Bank-branch code |
13-22 | Account number, padded to 10 digits using leading zeroes |
For example: DE89 3704 0044 0532 0130 00
For Gibraltar, the IBAN is a 23 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always GI |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank-branch code |
9-23 | Account number |
For example: GI75 NWBK 0000 0000 7099 453
For Greece, the IBAN is a 27 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always GR |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank code |
8-11 | Branch code |
12-27> | Account number |
For example: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695
For Hungary, the IBAN is a 28 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always HU |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank identifier |
8-11 | Bank-branch code |
12 | Check digit |
13-27 | Account number |
28 | Check digit |
For example: HU42 1177 3016 1111 1018 0000 0000
For Iceland, the IBAN is a 26 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always IS |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank-branch code |
9-10 | Account type |
11-16 | Account number |
17-26> | Identification number |
For example: IS14 0159 2600 7654 5510 7303 39
For Israel, the IBAN is a 23 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always IL |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank-code |
8-10 | Branch code |
11-23 | Account number |
For example: IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999
For Italy and San Marino, the IBAN is a 27 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | IT (Italy) or SM (San Marino) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5 | Check digit |
6-10 | Bank-code |
11-15 | Branch code |
16-27 | Account number |
For example: IT21 Q054 2801 6000 0ABC D12Z E34
For Jordan and Mauritius, the IBAN is a 30 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | JO (for Jordon) or MU (for Mauritius) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank-code |
9-12 | Branch code |
13-30 | Account number |
For example: JO94 CBJO 0010 0000 0000 0131 0003 02
MU17 BOMM 0101 1010 3030 0200 000M UR
For Kazakhstan and Luxembourg, the IBAN is a 20 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | KZ (Kazakhstan) or LU (Luxembourg) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank-branch code |
8-20 | Account number |
For example: KZ86 125K ZT50 0410 0100
LU28 0019 4006 4475 0000
For the Kosovo, the IBAN is a 20 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always XK |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-6 | Bank identifier |
7-8 | Branch identifier |
9-20 | Account number |
For example: XK98 1501 0300 0060 8848
For Kuwait, the IBAN is a 30 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always KW |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank-branch code |
9-30 | Account number |
For example: KW81 CBKU 0000 0000 0000 1234 5601 01
For Latvia, the IBAN is a 21 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always LV |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank-code |
9-21 | Account number |
For example: LV80 BANK 0000 4351 9500 1
For Liechtenstein and Switzerland, the IBAN is a 21 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | CH (Switzerland) or LI (Liechtenstein) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-9 | Bank-branch code |
10-21 | Account number |
For example: CH39 0076 2011 6238 5295 7
LI21 0881 0000 2324 013A A
For Macedonia, the IBAN is a 19 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always MK |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank code |
8-19 | Account number |
For example: MK07 2501 2000 0058 984
For Malta, the IBAN is a 31 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always MT |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank identifier |
9-13 | Bank sort code |
14-31 | Account number |
For example: MT84 MALT 0110 0001 2345 MTLC AST0 01S
For Moldova and Saudi Arabia, the IBAN is a 24 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | MD (for Moldova) or SA (for Saudi Arabia) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-6 | Bank code |
7-24 | Account number |
For example: SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519
MD24 AG00 0225 10000 1310 4168
For Montenegro and Serbia, the IBAN is a 22 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | ME (for Montenegro) or RS (for Serbia) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank-branch code |
8-20 | Account number |
21-22 | Check digit |
For example: RS35 1050 0000 0000 0123 48
ME25 5051 2345 6789 0123 07
For the Netherlands, the IBAN is an 18 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always NL |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank identifier |
9-18 | Account number |
For example: NL91 ABNA 0417 1643 00
For Norway, the IBAN is a 15 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always NO |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank-branch code |
9-14 | Account number |
15 | Check digit |
For example: NO93 8601 1117 947
For Portugal, the IBAN is a 25 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always PT |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank code |
9-12 | Branch code |
13-23 | Account number |
24-25 | Check digits |
For example: PT50 0002 0123 1234 5678 9015 4
For Palestine and Qatar, the IBAN is a 29 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | PS (for Palestine) or QA (for Qatar) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank-branch code |
9-29 | Account number |
For example: QA58 DOHB 0000 1234 5678 90AB CDEF
PS92 PALS 0000 0000 0400 1234 5670 2
For Romania, the IBAN is a 24 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always RO |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank identifier |
9-24 | Branch and client account identifier |
For example: RO49 AAAA 1B31 0075 9384 0000
For Saint Lucia, the IBAN is a 32 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always LC |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank-branch code |
9-32 | Account number |
For example: LC07 CCCC 1234 5678 9012 3456 7890 1234
For Slovenia, the IBAN is a 19 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always SI |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-9 | Bank code |
10-17 | Account number |
18-19 | Check digits |
For example: SI56 0510 0800 0032 875
For Spain, the IBAN is a 24 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always ES |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank code |
9-12 | Branch code |
13-14 | Check digits |
15-24 | Account number |
For example: ES91 2100 0418 4502 0005 1332
For Sweden, the IBAN is a 24 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always SE |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank-branch code |
8-23 | Account number |
24 | Check digit |
For example: SE12 1231 2345 6789 0123 4561
For Timor-Leste, the IBAN is a 23 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always TL |
3-4 | IBAN check digits (38) |
5-7 | Bank-branch code |
8-21 | Account number |
22-23 | Check digit |
For example: TL38 0080 0123 4567 8910 157
For Tunisia, the IBAN is a 24 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always TN |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-6 | Bank code |
7-9 | Branch code |
10-22 | Account number |
23-24 | Check digits |
For example: TN59 1420 7207 1007 0712 9648
For Turkey, the IBAN is a 26 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always TR |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-9 | Bank code |
10-26 | Account number, with first number always 0 |
For example: TR33 0006 1005 1978 6457 8413 26
For UAE, the IBAN is a 23 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | Always AE |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-7 | Bank code |
8-23 | Account number |
For example: AE07 0331 2345 6789 0123 456
For the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the IBAN is a 22 character string made up as follows:
Character |
Content |
1-2 | GB (United Kingdom) or IE (Republic of Ireland) |
3-4 | IBAN check digits |
5-8 | Bank identifier |
9-14 | Sort code |
15-22 | Account number |
For example: GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19
IE42 AIBK 9320 7820 7162 28