System logging

The Bank Wizard web service includes standard logging functionality using the third-party tool, Log4j. You use to specify the level of logging required and where this information is presented. By default all error messages are saved to a file (bankwizardabsolute.log) and displayed on the console. Also, any errors found during initialisation are added to the log file. If you experience problems, Experian support may ask you to temporarily change the level of messages written to the file.

You must restart the web service for any changes made to this properties file to take effect.

Once the log file reaches the maximum size specified (by default 200KB), it renames the file to bankwizardabsolute.log.1 and creates another file, up to the maximum number of files (by default 50). You must manually delete any files you no longer require.

To change the name, size and number of log files produced, edit the following lines in

In these examples, the information you can change is shown in bold.




Logging level advice

When you are running the Bank Wizard web service on your live system you should leave the logging level at the default of ERROR. You should only change this if advised to by Experian.

When testing the web service, to include more information in your log files to help you track what is happening, change the logging level to INFO.

log4j.rootLogger =INFO, CONSOLE, FILE

Do not change the logging level to DEBUG or TRACE unless advised to by Experian. These levels generate a lot of information and will impact the performance of the Bank Wizard web service.