Data returned by the web service

As well as returning the transposed bank account details, the BIC and the IBAN, Bank Wizard can return the following data:

To return this data, you call the Validation service and set the Additonalinfo, SubBranches, SWIFTData or BulkMode flag to specify what data you want to be returned.





Data returned

BBAN, IBAN, branch data (without SWIFT data), and conditions.

BBAN, IBAN, branch data with SWIFT data, and conditions.

BBAN, IBAN, branch data (without SWIFT data), sub branch data (without SWIFT data), and conditions.

BBAN, IBAN, branch data with SWIFT data, sub branch data with SWIFT data, and conditions.

BBAN, IBAN, branch data (without SWIFT data), additional information, and conditions.

BBAN, IBAN, branch data with SWIFT data, additional information, and conditions.

BBAN, IBAN, branch data (without SWIFT data), sub branch data (without SWIFT data), additional information, and conditions.

BBAN, IBAN, branch data with SWIFT data, sub branch data with SWIFT data, additional information, and conditions.




BBAN, IBAN, and conditions.

The bulkMode flag has precedence over all other flags.