Meta data service

You use the meta data service to retrieve the BBAN field names and sizes for the specified country. You use the ISO Country code to specify for which country you want to retrieve data.

You can use this service to build a dynamic user interface that varies according to the currently selected country. For example, for a standard validation, the user interface for the United Kingdom would display two fields, sort code and account number, whereas for France it would display four fields, bank code, branch code, account number and check digits.

This example code retrieves the meta data for the United Kingdom and displays a message to show whether the call was successful.

/* Call the Meta data service */

MetaDataRequest MetaRequest = new MetaDataRequest(clientInformation, "GB");

MetaDataResponse MetaResponse = port.metaRequest(MetaRequest);

/* Check for a response */

if (MetaResponse != null) {

/* If the call was successful, display successful message */

System.out.println("Meta Response data retrieved");

} else {

/* If the call was NOT successful, display an error message */

System.out.println("NO Meta Response data retrieved");


Example SOAP messages