IBAN translation service

You use the IBAN translation service to validate the supplied IBAN and decompose it into its BBAN components. For example, for a United Kingdom IBAN, this service returns the sort code, account number and bank code.

This example code calls the IBAN translation service and then displays a message to show whether the call was successful, and for successful calls, displays all the conditions returned.

/* Call the IBAN translation service

IBANTranslationRequest IBANRequest = new IBANTranslationRequest(clientInformation, "GB34EIGB01001112345679", null);

IBANTranslationResponse IBANResponse = port.IBANTranslateRequest(IBANRequest);

if (IBANResponse != null) {

/* If the call was successful, display successful message */

System.out.println("IBANResponse Data retrieved");

/* Prints the returned conditions */

Conditions cond = IBANResponse.getConditions();


} else {

/* If the call was not successful, display an error message */

System.out.println("NO IBANResponse Data retrieved");


Example SOAP messages