Country number

Each country is assigned a number which is used when creating some country specific condition codes. These are:

Andorra = 30

Australia = 32

Austria = 1

Belgium = 2

Bosnia and Herzegovina = 34

Bulgaria = 36

Canada = 37

Croatia = 39

Cyprus = 27

Czech Republic = 19

Denmark = 3

Estonia = 20

Finland = 4

France = 5

Germany = 6

Greece = 7

Hong Kong = 40

Hungary = 21

Iceland = 18

India = 41

Italy = 17

Latvia = 22

Liechtenstein = 29

Lithuania = 23

Luxembourg = 9

Malta = 28

Mexico = 43

Montenegro = 56

Netherlands = 10

New Zealand = 45

Norway = 11

Poland = 24

Portugal = 12

Republic of Ireland = 8

Romania = 46

Serbia = 48

Singapore = 49

Slovak Republic = 25

Slovenia = 26

South Africa = 50

Spain = 13

Sweden = 14

Switzerland = 15

Thailand = 53

Tunisia = 54

United Kingdom = 16

United States of America = 55


Global Lookup = 56