Within Bank Wizard, you can perform searches on two data sources; the standard country data and the global lookup data:
standard country data contains detailed bank, branch, account and SWIFT
information. This includes BIC information and, where relevant, SEPA and Faster Payments data. This data is available for all the countries that are supported for validation.
Global Lookup data includes basic bank, branch and SWIFT information for the majority of countries.
This includes countries that are not currently supported for validation. You can also perform a BIC lookup on the global lookup data.
The search service you must call is determined by the action you want to perform.
To search the data and look up a BIC for a specific country, call the BranchSearch service:
Next step: Searching the country data
- To search the global data or to look up a BIC in the global data, call the GlobalSearch service:
Next step: Performing
global lookup