Message |
Bank-branch code format is incorrect. This error is used by countries which have a single combined bank-branch code, such as sort code in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, or BLZ in Germany. You only get this error if you have a full licence. The code contains the wrong number of digits or non-numeric characters (other than spaces or hyphens). In the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the message is "Sort code format is incorrect" is used. |
Action | Correct the bank-branch code or reject the details. |
Message |
Bank code format is incorrect. This error is used by countries which have both a bank code and branch code or countries where only the bank details are validated. |
Action | Correct the bank code or reject the details. |
Message |
Branch code format is incorrect. This error is used by countries which have both a bank code and branch code. You cannot get this error when performing an institution check. |
Action | Correct the branch code or reject the details. |
Message |
Account number format is incorrect. This error is used by all countries. If the Account Number could be transposed, you get warning 1 instead of this error. You cannot get this error when performing branch or institution checks. |
4 | Correct the account number or reject the details. |
Message |
Check digit format is incorrect. This error is used by countries which have a separate check digit. For most countries, you cannot get this error when performing branch or institution checks. For some countries, such as Spain, which have multi digit check digits, you can get this error when performing a branch check. This is because only part of the check digit validates the branch or bank details. Therefore when checking the branch, if the full check digit is entered, the format is incorrect and this error will be returned. |
Action | Correct the check digit or reject the details. |
Message |
Bank or branch code is not in use. The bank-branch code format is correct but it is not allocated to an existing branch. This error is used by countries where the bank-branch code can be mapped to a specific branch, for example, sort code in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland. You can only get this error if you have a full licence. You cannot get this error when performing an institution check. |
Action | Correct the bank-branch code or reject the details. |
Message |
Modulus check has failed. This is used by any country that performs a modulus check on the whole bank code / account number combination. Although the formats of the supplied fields are correct, one or more of them are incorrect. You can only get this error if you have a full licence. You cannot get this error when performing branch or institution checks. |
Action | Correct the account details or reject the details. |
Message |
Modulus check on bank code has failed. This applies to countries such as Spain where there is a separate modulus check on the bank code. Although the formats of the supplied fields are correct, one or more of them are incorrect. You can only get this error if you have a full licence. You cannot get this error when performing branch or institution checks. |
Action | Correct the bank code or reject the details. |
Message |
Modulus check on account number has failed. This applies to countries such as Spain where there is a separate modulus check on the account number. Although the formats of the account details and check digits are correct, the modulus check on the account number failed. Therefore one or both of the account number and check digits are incorrect. You cannot get this error when performing branch or institution checks. |
Action | Correct the account number or check digits or reject the details. |
Message |
Branch has been closed. Used when the branch has closed and there is no redirected branch. You cannot get this if you have the modulus check licence because the existence of the branch is not checked for. In the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the message is "Sort code has been closed". |
Action | Contact the branch concerned or reject the details. |
Message |
Branch has been transferred. This branch has been closed and the accounts have been redirected to another branch. You cannot get this if you have the modulus check licence because the existence of the branch is not checked for. In the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the message is "Sort code has been transferred". |
Action | Contact the branch concerned or reject the details. |
Message |
Bank has been closed. You will not get this error if the bank has been transferred. |
Action | Contact the bank concerned or reject the details. |
Message |
Bank has been transferred. The bank has been closed and the accounts have been redirected to another bank. |
Action | Contact the bank concerned or reject the details. |
Message |
IBAN country format is incorrect. The IBAN has the correct basic format but does not have the correct format for an IBAN from the current country. |
Action | Correct the IBAN or reject the details. |
Message |
IBAN is invalid. The IBAN does not have the correct format of 2 letters followed by 2 digits followed by a series of alphanumeric characters. |
Action | Correct the IBAN or reject the details. |
Message |
IBAN modulus check has failed. The IBAN has the correct format but it fails the modulus check and is therefore invalid. |
Action | Correct the IBAN or reject the details. |
Message | Account type format is incorrect. |
Action | Correct the account type or reject the details. |
Message | Identification number format is incorrect. |
Action | Correct the identification number or reject the details. |
Message |
BIC format is incorrect. A BIC must be 8 or 11 characters long. The first 6 characters must be alphabetic and the remaining characters can be alphanumeric. |
Action | Correct the BIC or reject the details. |
Message |
Invalid BIC. This error is returned when Bank Wizard has BIC information for a branch and the supplied BIC does match any of the known BICs for that branch. |
Action | Correct the BIC or reject the details. |
Message |
Country does not support IBANs. This error is returned when you submit an IBAN validation request to Bank Wizard for a country that does not support IBANs. |
Action | Correct the IBAN or reject the details. It is probably the country code in the IBAN that is incorrect. |
Message |
Invalid account number The account number cannot be found in the DTF and is therefore not valid. |
Action | Correct the account number or enter a bank code as well as the account number. |
Message |
Roll number format is incorrect. The roll number is not in the correct format for the institution. You only get this error when performing a roll number check. |
Action | Correct the roll number. |
Message |
Roll number contains characters that are not allowed by Bacs. This cannot be submitted to Bacs. The allowed characters are A to Z 0 to 9 & / . - You only get this error when performing a roll number check. |
Action | Correct the roll number. |
Message |
Roll number length is incorrect. The roll number is not of a valid length for the institution or it is not within the Bacs legal range of 1 to 18 characters. If the sort code and account number combination is not known then this can be 0 in length. You only get this error when performing a roll number check. |
Action | Correct the roll number or reject the details. |