United Kingdom (GB) additional data
The data fields returned by the United Kingdom are:
- 1001 - sort code
- 1002
- BIC for international payments over SWIFT CHAPS Euro
- 1003 - BIC branch code
- 1004
- identifies the bank branch where multiple branches are associated with the same sort code
- 1005
- official title of the bank branch
- 1006
- short name of the owning bank
- 1007
- fuller version of the bank name
- 1008
- fuller version of the bank name, continued
- 1009
- Bank code of the owning bank
- 1010
- National Central Bank country code
- 1011
- Supervisory Body. Set if the institution is an agency in at least one of the clearings: A = Bank of England; B = Building Society Commission;
C = Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man authorities; D = Other
- 1012
- Deleted date. Set when the branch is no longer used in any clearing
- 1013
- Bacs Clearing Status. Shows whether the branch can accept Bacs payments and whether it is an agency
- 1014
- date this data was last amended
- 1015
- date closed in Bacs clearing
- 1016
- redirection from flag. Shows that this is the redirection sort code of another branch
- 1017
- redirected to sort code. Specifies the sort code to which Bacs should redirect payments
- 1018
- Bacs settlement bank. Bacs generated bank code of the bank that settles payments for this branch
- 1019
- Settlement section. Data required for Bacs to perform its settlement.
It is a numeric member specified sub-division of its settlement
- 1020
- Settlement sub-section
- 1021
- Bacs generated bank code that defines the member that will take the Bacs output for this branch
- 1022
- Code defining the stream within the handling bank used for payments to this branch
- 1023
- Accounts numbered flag shows branches that use named instead of numbered bank accounts
- 1024
- Shows whether this branch needs paper vouchers for Direct Debit instructions
- 1025
- Direct Debits disallowed flag
- 1026
- Credits disallowed flag
- 1027
- Claims for unpaid cheques disallowed flag
- 1028
- Life Assurance Premiums disallowed flag. This field is no longer used
- 1029
- Building Society credits disallowed flag
- 1030
- Dividend interest payments disallowed flag
- 1031
- AUDDIS transactions disallowed flag
- 1032
- This shows whether the branch can accept CHAPS sterling payments and whether it is an agency
- 1033
- Date the CHAPS sterling data group was last amended
- 1034
- Date closed in CHAPS sterling clearing
- 1035
- CHAPS ID of the bank that settles payments for this branch. This
is not the Bacs bank code, but is a numeric code used in both CHAPS clearings
- 1036
- This shows whether the branch can accept CHAPS Euro payments and
whether it is a direct branch, that is one of the member BICs which
are part of the SWIFT Closed User Group (CUG)
- 1037
- Date the CHAPS Euro data group was last amended
- 1038
- Date closed in CHAPS Euro clearing
- 1039
- SWIFT Closed User Group BIC to which CHAPS Euro payments for this branch should be routed. This BIC will belong to the settlement bank
specified in the settlement bank field
- 1040
- CHAPS Euro BIC branch
- 1041
- CHAPS ID of the bank that settles payments for this branch. This is not the Bacs bank code, but is a numeric code used in both CHAPS
- 1042
- CHAPS Euro return indicator. Set to R if this branch (and BIC) is the one to which returned payments should be sent
- 1043
- C&CCC (Cheque and Credit Clearing Company) status. This shows whether the branch is part of Cheque and Credit Clearing and whether
it is an agency
- 1044
- Date the C&CCC details were last amended
- 1045
- Date closed in C&CCC clearing
- 1046
- C&CCC settlement bank. The Bacs generated bank code of the bank that settles payments for this branch. For C&CCC members, it is
the same as BankCodeOB. For Agencies, it is a C&CCC member
- 1047
- Debit Agency sort code. If the status field is set to "D" this specifies where cheque clearing is handled for this branch
- 1048
- C&CCC return indicator. This shows the branch to which other banks should return paper to this institution
- 1049
- Branch type indicator
- 1050
- Sort code of the main branch for the cluster
- 1051
- Major location name
- 1052
- Minor location name
- 1053
- branch name or place
- 1054
- second entry indicator: 2 = the branch appears in two places in alphabetical listings; 1 = only one entry is required
- 1055
- if the second entry indicator is set to 2, this is the alternative name or place under which this branch is listed
- 1056
- branch title. This may continue into Branch Title 2 and Branch Title 3
- 1057
- overspill characters from Branch Title 1
- 1058
- overspill characters from Branch Title 2
- 1059
- first line of the address
- 1060
- second line of the address
- 1061
- third line of the address
- 1062
- fourth line of the address
- 1063
- town
- 1064
- county
- 1065
- the first half of the post code
- 1066
- the second half of the post code
- 1067
- telephone area code of the branch. For international numbers, the area code and subscriber number are not split
- 1068
- telephone number of the branch
- 1069
- print indicator. Controls printing of details in the UK Clearings Directory
- 1070
- CHAPS Sterling return indicator. Set to R if this is the office (and BIC) to which returned payments should be sent
- 1071
- SWIFT Closed User Group BIC to which CHAPS Sterling payments for this branch should be routed
- 1072
- CHAPS Sterling BIC branch
- 1073
- if an office is in CHAPS Euro, this field contains one of 'Y/CHP', 'Y/CH+', 'N/CHP' or 'N/CH+' made up as follows:
- RTGS Indicator - Y = CHAPS Euro is the preferred RTGS system. Otherwise it is set to N.
- Target Status - Target direct/indirect status for an office. CHP = the owning
bank of an office is a CHAPS Euro Member bank AND the Country Code part of the BIC is GB. Otherwise, the status is CH+
- 1074
- NI = if the branch is in Northern Ireland. GB = elsewhere in the United Kingdom. Blank = branch does not support cheque clearing.