You use the File Scanning Module (FSM) to batch validate account details. You can validate large files before you submit to an automated banking service or revalidate existing account details. The FSM uses a settings file to determine the format of the input file and what to include in the output file.
The input file contains all the data that you want to validate. This can be either a comma separated values (CSV) or Fixed Record Length file. You can create it using a text editor or by extracting the data from another application, such as a database.
You can create the settings file from the Direct User Interface (DUI) or using any standard text editor. You can create more than one settings file to use with different input files.
By default the output file shows all of the messages returned during the validation. You can suppress the messages that are not relevant to your business. If you report on the transpositions, include the input fields as additional output fields to help you reconcile the output with your original database. You can include up to ten additional input fields in the output file.
As well as the output file, you can produce a good file and an analysis file. The good file contains the records which passed validation without any errors or warnings. The analysis file contains statistics about the number of records processed and the number of errors and warnings.
The FSM stops processing and displays an error if the settings file contains errors, or one or more of the input fields is not found in the input record. However, it continues processing if one or more of the additional output fields is not found in the input record or the end of file marker position is beyond the end of the record.
You can run the FSM from either the DUI or the command line.