Roll number validation

You must have the correct licence to validate roll numbers.

Roll numbers are used in the United Kingdom to identify individual accounts at a financial institution other than a bank, typically a building society or credit union. The owning institution uses head-office collection accounts from another bank to collect the payments for all roll number accounts. Therefore the account details are the sort code and account number of the collection account and the individual account roll (or reference) number.

If a collection account needs a roll number, you get a warning when you validate the account details.

When validating roll numbers, Bank Wizard only validates the basic format of the sort code and account number. To perform a complete validation on the account details, you must run a standard validation for the United Kingdom.

Roll numbers are 1 to 18 characters and can include A to Z, 0 to 9, / . and -. For example: CXJ-K6 897/98X

This returns the roll number errors (90 to 92) and warnings (90 to 95) to show whether the format of the roll number is correct.

To fully validate roll number accounts

  1. Perform a standard validation, supplying BWI_UK_SORT_CODE and BWI_UK_ACCOUNT_NO.
  2. This returns all errors, warnings and information messages to show whether the validation was successful.

    If no errors are returned, this returns the IBAN and the branch details.

  3. To check the format of the roll number, as well as the standard United Kingdom parameters, set the input parameter:
  4. BWI_UK_RN - Roll number.

  5. Set the roll number flag, BWI_UK_RN_CHECK.
  6. Validate the details.
  7. This returns the roll number errors (90 to 92) and warnings (90 to 95) to show whether the format of the roll number is correct.