United States of America (US) additional data
The data fields returned by the United States of America:
BWI_US_BANK_BRANCH_CODE_FIELD (1001) - Bank-branch code
BWI_US_BANK_NAME (1002) - Bank or institution name
BWI_US_TELEGRAPHIC_NAME (1003) - Telegraphic Name, for Fedwire
BWI_US_OTHER_NAME (1004) - Alternative names of the bank
BWI_US_STREET_ADDRESS (1005) - Street address
BWI_US_BRANCH_NAME (1006) - Branch name
BWI_US_POST_CODE (1007) - Post code
BWI_US_CITY (1008) - City
BWI_US_LOCATION (1009) - Address location as reported by SWIFT
BWI_US_COUNTRY (1010) - Country
BWI_US_COUNTY_PROVINCE_STATE (1011) - County, Province, State
BWI_US_ISO_COUNTRY_CODE (1012) - 2 letter ISO Country code
BWI_US_IBAN_COUNTRY_CODE (1013) - IBAN 2 character identifier for the country or territory
BWI_US_FUNDSTSTAT (1014) - Fedwire funds transfer status
BWI_US_FUNDSSETTONLY (1015) - Fedwire funds settlement-only status
BWI_US_BOOKENSECTSTAT (1016) - Fedwire Book-Entry Securities transfer status
BWI_US_SERVICINGFRB (1017) - Servicing Fed's main office routing number
BWI_US_RECORDTYPE (1018) - Fedwire institution to receive items.